Meet our new colleagues
1 year agoWe welcome three new colleagues to the 3Rs Center Utrecht and the Animal Welfare Body Utrecht. They would like to introduce themselves to you.
'My name is Marloes Hoff and since January I have been working at the IvD as an office assistant, together with Elze and Lidewij. I have worked as a research analyst for almost ten years, including at the VUmc and at Genmab, and thus have a lot of practical experience in working with laboratory animals. In the past, I also worked in the compliance department of the GDL, and eight years ago I worked at the AWB for a short time as a maternity replacement. So it feels very familiar and nice to be back in this nice team.'
‘My name is Birgit Goversen and I started 1 February as a project manager at the 3Rs Centre Utrecht. I have been hired on behalf of the Transition Programme for Innovation without the use of animals (TPI) from the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality (LNV). I will be conducting a feasibility study to set up an online expert pool in the field of New Approach Methodologies (NAMs). This expert pool could serve as a helpdesk to provide additional expertise in e.g. assessing whether an animal model is necessary or if there are replacements available. I will conduct desk research, set up a pilot for the expert pool and evaluate it. Ultimately, an advisory report will be drafted with intended future steps for TPI.
During my PhD at the department of Medial Physiology at the UMC Utrecht I investigated the electrophysiology of stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (iPSC-CMs). In my postdoc at the department of Physiology of the Amsterdam UMC I conducted research into the translation of stem cell models to the (clinical) practice. I am very much looking forward to working at the 3Rs Centre.’
'My name is Fuus Thate and I am the newest employee of IvD Utrecht as of 5 February. I live in Wageningen with my husband and children, two dogs and a pair of chickens. In my spare time I take walks, work with my hands in the house or garden, do sports or read a book (and occasionally watch a movie).
In recent years, I worked for Wageningen BioVeterinary Research, where I was responsible for all veterinary care for the laboratory animals. I was also designated veterinarian for WUR (in Lelystad and Wageningen) and advisor to their IvDs. Before joining WUR, I worked for 18 years in a mixed veterinary practice where I gained experience with many different animal species. The move from veterinary practice to research and care for laboratory animals taught me a huge amount and I have never regretted it. It makes me realise even more than before what a great and broad education we have had as veterinarians!'