Symposium: Better animal research through Open Science

3 years ago

The promise of Open Science is that it will lead to more reliable, more efficient, and more relevant research. How do these ideals relate to animal research? What is the added value of the Open Science approach in the context of studying for example behavior, pathology, and biomedical processes using laboratory animals? And what are the practical implications of Open Science for your research?

In this online symposium speakers will focus on different stages of animal studies, how Open Science applies to each of them, and how this benefits research and society, including human and animal patients and laboratory animals.

After an introduction by Frank Miedema, Vice Rector of Research and Chair of the Utrecht University Open Science Programme, there will be a keynote talk by Jeroen Geurts, President of ZonMw, about how they as funders will apply Open Science principles in the future.

Next, there will be pitches and workshops about the following topics:

  1. PREPARE – Prepare your research with PREPARE guidelines
  2. INFORM – Write a clear Non-Technical Summary
  3. DESIGN – Write your work protocols based on perfect Experimental Design
  4. PLAN – Make a Data Management Plan and set up version-control software
  5. PREREGISTER – Preregister on
  6. CONNECT – Engage in conversation with journalist and the public
  7. EXCHANGE – Share surplus animals and tissues on
  8. SHARE – Share your data and open up your code
  9. ARRIVE – Report according to ARRIVE guidelines
  10. PUBLISH – Publish, whatever the outcome

The symposium is aimed at researchers and professionals involved in animal research and the protection of animals used in science (Utrecht-based and broader). Anyone who is interested is very welcome to join us.

26 October 2021, 12:00-17:00, online

The symposium was attended by 80 participants from the Netherlands and abroad. 

Watch the symposium recordings here.