3Rs Centre Utrecht: Ready, Set, GO

1 year ago

The 3Rs Centre Utrecht (3RCU) organised the seminar Rebooting Relevant Research on 11 May. The meeting unfolded the Centre's new and ambitious plans and showed that it is ready for the future.

Former head of the 3Rs Centre Jan van der Valk started the meeting with a review of the history of the 3Rs and the Centre. Then Wim de Leeuw, head of the Animal Welfare Body (AWB) Utrecht, discussed the responsibility of the AWB and its cooperation with the 3Rs Centre and TPI Utrecht. Daniela Salvatori then explained TPI Utrecht's role in research and education.

Director Jeffrey Bajramovic of the 3RCU then introduced himself and unfolded his plans and ambitions for the 3RCU. Communications officer Héloise Ribot revealed that the social media campaign to stop using fetal calf serum (FCS) has generated a lot of attention and awareness. It was then the turn of Ronald Vlasblom of Utrecht University of Applied Sciences (HU) to show how the momentum of such a campaign is being turned into action and data in a new close collaboration between HU and UU. The meeting ended with a literally dazzling unveiling of the 3Rs Centre Utrecht's new website, after which the participants had a nice chat over drinks.

You can rewatch our seminar here.